We did a couple of games and there was one that I really liked. Just before we started with sustainability education we divided into two teams and built two towers. It was a little competition - we had to build a high tower that would stand itslef for more than one minute. But that's not all - every team was divided into two groups - the first one began to build the tower for 5 minutes, than we had 30 seconds to tell the second part of the team what were we trying to do, and they should finish the tower. Funny is that, even if we had only one man in our team, we manage to do it better than the other team that had 4 men. This game was an introduction to what sustainability is. During the construction we had to think about the second generation that would come and how easy would it be for them to finish the tower using the resources that were left after us. We won! We have thought about them and it was very easy for them to understand what have we done and to finish everything. We had a solid base and a high tower. I really enjoyed it and the message was clear.
After lunch we had another game (that should wake us up) - one of us was a pelican and the others were penguins. We moved like penguins and pelicans (it was not very easy I must say). When a pelican touched a penguin, the last one transformed into a pelican itself. So, at the end of the game we all were pelicans. Playing this for the second time I got the point - it was easier to survive longer as a penguin hiding yourself, than trying to run away from the pelicans.
Now I'm waiting for the next day to come and for new things to discover.
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